Monday, April 12, 2010

Chaotic Weekends!

Well, the chaos is more on being disorganized these past couple of weeks.  This is because of the "new business" we have.  The Subic rental property is in its early stages and the marketing plan is still being worked on.  Even with the unit being so-so, we decided to market it and have people rent it out.

But that being beside the point, the whole point of the chaos lies in being in a lot of places these past few weeks.  I am personally living in three locations- I go home to Olongapo from Las Pinas on weekends.  Las Pinas is where I am most days of the weeks because of my work in Taguig.  On weekends I go to Olongapo in Kessing Street where we have a house cum office cum warehouse cum staff house.  But over the weekend, we tried staying in Subic to do some work on the unit and see where we can improve on. 

We also had friends come over last weekend on the ground floor unit and the other members stay on the second floor unit.  So much so that even in Olongapo, I am moving around.  We spent the first night on the lower unit and the second night on the upper unit.  All the time lugging our stuff.

Then on Sunday, we have to go back to Las Pinas for a school reunion and for Lisette and the kids to buy some staff for out scheduled trip next week.

We have been in this chaotic setup for the past 2 years and it is creating us a lot of stress as we need to travel more.  We are losing stuff along the way.  Not knowing if we have missing stuff in Olongapo or in Las Pinas.  The third house is already contributing to this.  I left the air pump in there so we used the airbed as a mat instead.

This chaotic setup is not by design. But I am not complaining about it.  The more important thing is to enjoy life even in the midst of all this.  Mixing life, business and pleasure is something that has become natural for us.  We take time to have fun in the midst of the chaotic setup we have.

A nice lunch followed by a long trip. A long trip with a side trip to shops where we can get ideas on how to furnish our rental units.  A side trip followed by a short business trip to pick up some inventory.  And while waiting for this, we had fun eating Mount Pinatubo (one of creamline's ice cream concoction) in record time.  We quipped that maybe next time, we'll try eating Mount Olympus or Mount Everest.

I think this is a gift of being 'free'.  Free to follow what comes naturally fun or functional.  I am not into spontaneity.  In fact I abhor it.  For me, things are planned and well thought of.  But sometimes in the middle of trying to make a living and trying to love life and whatever comes with it, you have to learn to go along with what is best at the time.

Everything turns out to be enjoyable in the end.

Oh, I forgot to bring the keys to the car, the rental units and the office in Las Pinas and we were in NLEX when I remembered it that I left it in Papa's house.  This happens in a very chaotic situation such as what we are experiencing now.  But we still manage to enjoy it in between.  Perhaps that is the only thing keeping us sane.

The Mt Everest, Mt Olympus or Mt Apo ice cream concoction is non existent at the moment.  I think it is worth suggesting.

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