Monday, March 22, 2010

Mommy's Birthday: March 20, 2010

Mommy turns 40 on this day!  We were suppose to go to Baguio but there was a relative who passed away so the plan did not materialize. Instead, we had the usual dinner at the house.  It was attended by us and family members and her angels in Luming's curtains.

In the afternoon of her special day, we spent the day sleeping.   Hehe...what a way to celebrate!  We had late lunch and we went to Remy field to have a picnic until it was time to go home for dinner.

Since we were 'bitin' by this celebration, we decided to have an 'extended' celebration and declared Monday as a no-class day for Vinz.  We went to the beach the following day and checked in at RK hotel for an overnight stay.  Like any celebration, it is not complete without food.  So instead of a one time big meal, we did it one meal at a time.  We had lunch at Meat Shop.  This is not exactly fine dining but on the more expensive side of dining that we got used to.

Then Dinner was spent in the hotel.  Just to make them feel that we are patronizing what they have.  I decided on something Korean and I was having runny nose by my third serving because of the spicy Korean dishes.  It was not exactly the best tasting food in town, but it was an experience.  The kids capped the dinner with a nice slurpee from the nearby 7-11 convenience store.

Since Lsette has taken a vow of service and charity, we invited two semi-orphaned kids (their parents were busy with work and business) to celebrate with us the following day.  Kyle and Endro were brought by Lisette to the hotel the following day so they can take a dip in the hotel pool.

So Mommy Lisette is really some sort of s superwoman.  In between the celebration she still managed to sneak some work typing some documents, delivering some products to customers after hearing mass at 6am.  Mommy is such a supermom that she can do all that and still enjoy the company of her loved ones- including her extended family.

Mama seems to have figured out something that I haven't she seems more relaxed and more happy with everything that is going on with her life. Her business, her church service, her time with Nic and her extended family happily intertwines with her daily routine.  There are stories that brings laughter every so often.

Our weekend was capped with one lazy afternoon mini picnic at Remy Field.  We just rolled out our picnic mat had some snacks and just enjoyed the afternoon breeze.  "I can get used to this.", I kept repeating.  And as I was lying on the ground, Lisette had her laptop on my stomach typing the reading for the following day's mass.  She can really be sneaky at times!

Life seems to take on a new meaning when you lead a more purposeful life.  And i think my Mommy has found her purpose.

Despite not having any grand plan for the weekend, we managed to celebrate. It was one special and wonderful weekend.  Happy Birthday Mommy, I wish you all the best!

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