Sunday, December 27, 2009


The kids got some medals from Kumon lately.  Its a form of recognition for a significant achievement.  Nic got a bronze medal for Math and Kuya got a Gold for reading.  Nic's bronze represents being ahead for one year level and Kuya's gold represents about three year levels ahead.

It's nice to see them getting recognized for their achievement even outside school.  They've been into Kumon for more than 5 years and it is a system that is learner based as opposed to the traditional school's 'lesson plan-based' learning system.  The learner progresses at his or her own pace with Kumon.  The traditional system on the other hand proceeds based on a quarterly basis based on the teachers lesson plan.

There are also medals for Tea Kwon Do for Nic and her loyalty award from Kumon.

More than the medal itself, this represents an achievement even at their very young age.  It may seem insignificant with the passing of time but it represents a significant building block for them for their future.

As a parent the future is something we all feat and look forward to at the same time.  We fear what will become of my children but at the same time keenly awaiting their adulthood to witness their life beyond my years.  Lisette oftentimes look forward to Vinz getting married so she can enjoy her 'apo'.  Weird but funny and exciting in a sense.

Nic getting married is another issue for me, THE DAD.  That will require scrutiny.

So Kuya, Nic, when you get to read this, don't say you've not been warned.  Hehehe....

Looking back, the only medal I got from being a child was that of landing in the TOP 10 of the class.  I still remember it- it was a yellow ribbon with the name of the school and my rank.  My name was not even on it. It was handed to me unceremoniously.  On the last day of my fourth grade class.  We were all gathered and the honorees were called up one by one.  No cameras, no parents.  Just a teached and her class awarding the best in the class.

It was a proud moment for me.  It's just too bad the bragging rights were not as grand.  I knew that I am not 'bobo' and it was enough for me.  After all, i did not bother reviewing for any final exams and still managed to pass (this IS MY bragging right) and make it to the TOP 10.  I think i was the 7th.  Falling from 5th from previous quarters.  Any longer and I might have missed being there. Harhar.....

Anyway,  I'm proud of my kids.  Achievements big or small matters.  And I'm glad their not 'bobo'  hehe.... Just don't make them crack jokes.

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