Sunday, December 27, 2009

House Plans

We went out last night for some coffee. Nic was not really happy about something. I think she was having a fight with Yanna. She was crying when we went home and she kept asking me to get a house and move out here.

I'd say its kids thought. But somehow, this had an impact on me. Lisette and I have been planning on staying in Olongapo and I feel that we need to have our own space. It may not be easy but we need it. Im getting tired of 'temporary' living.

Not that we don't have our own space. It's more like being on your own. I do not like living on other people's achievement. I don't know why but all these years I have been waiting for the time to finally have our own space. I thought the place we're staying in Kessing will be fine. But there are just some things that doesn't fit.

Anyway, since the kids were passionate about it, they did their own presentations expressing what they want in the "new" house. Here it is:

House Plans!! O_o

Nic’s plan for the house

It may appear childish but the thing about it is that it is a dream they own. That's the most important thing. We still do not have a fix on what house we'll be having but there are options we are looking at.

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