Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ocean Adventure: 24 Jan 2010

Lisette decided to organize a trip to Ocean Adventure in SBMA. Considering that the place is about 30 minutes from where we are staying, we have not really been there since it was fully constructed a few years ago. Since Olongapo residents are entitled to a 50% off, well this good reason to visit it. We would have wanted a more elaborate plan including a one night stay in Camayan beach but decided against it. We reasoned the we need more time for that so we plan to make that happen in the near future.

So off we went to this far away place 20 kms from where we are. We were there by 9:45am in time for the 10:15 am show. But i guess the tourists have a better plan than we do. They went ahead of us. And as we entered we were given a fair warning by one of the park attendant, "Sir, there are many visitors today so please be a bit more patient." O well, what else can we do.

The first show, was a the sea lion show. It was in a small and cramped stadium designed for the 20 minute show. I could have filled this blog with negative comments but hey, we went there for fun.

The show was followed by some number invlving a dance number and some acrobatics. The sun's heat was bearing down on us in this particular show and my mind was composing a complaint once again until the trampoline acrobats entered the show. They were great. They made wild use of the trampoline and the guys appeared to be having so much fun bouncing on it. These guys can really be entertaining.

In between shows, i tried to explore my artistic side by taking random photos. I was imagining a I have a Nikon D90 with me and tried several interesting shots. Knowing well that I am just holding a 5mp Canon A610, i did do some good shots. At least for my own standards.

In the eco show, we were introduced to some 'ordinary' animals- a rat, reticulated python, a bat, and eagle and even an askal. The animals were not really all that special. They were made special by how the show was organized. Even the aeta can crack a joke every now and then. It was interesting.

The hilight of the day was suppose to be the Dolphin and False Killer whale show. We were able to make the bystands of the show. Enough to take a peek on what's going on but not fortunate enough to be in the amphitheater and get some good view and perhaps some good shot. O well, we were burdend by the lunch we decided to take and by the time we realized it, it was too late. Rather than wait for the 4:30pm show, we just find some open spaces and manage a peek into the show. Lisette and Nic availed of a photo op and was given the chance to touch a dolphin.

In the end, it was a nice day and it was an experience.

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