Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Memories from An Old Picture

I was sorting through some office files.  In my old desk I saw an old photo frame with Kuya and Nic in it.  They look so cute!

I still remember that photo was taken in the Konica Studio in Pangasinan.  As to when, I am not so sure.  Maybe 2004 or 2005, Kuya maybe was just 9 and Nic 6.  They've grown so fast. Imagine that!  In so short a time, Kuya now is in HS and Nic is in Grade 4.

Old pics help us relive our past and somehow, it is so full of good memories.  And sometimes that recall extends beyond that.

I remember when they were born.  Until they've grown big enough we just had them sleep on our chest.  We'd take turn having them close to our chest every night.  Never mind the inconvenience that it may bring us so long as we can feel them and respond to their cry.

It reminds me again of the project the I have been planning but haven't exerted enough effort to make it happen.  A scanner, a computer and some serious storage device is what I need to make it happen.  And probably a help from someone to have the old photos stored digitally.
This reminds me of a lot of things.  Kinda puts life in perspective.  You appreciate the gift of having a child.

More importantly, it reminds me that I have a responsibility and that it fuels me to do some more to make life a bit more comfortable for all of us.

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