Thursday, December 10, 2009

Putting Life In Perspective

Events and time out from the daily grind sometimes allows you to temporarily step back and think about important things.

I kinda enjoyed our recent trip to La Luz for our anniversary.

I kept thinking of where we are now as a family. We have stuff, business, a home here and there but there seem to be something missing. I can't just put a finger on it. Hindi ko maisip pa. Parang may kulang.

I know that I need to have more time to do important stuff.

What I'm thinking has got something to do with rationalizing my life. Trying to put a sense as to why I'm doing what I'm doing. I have been listless lately. Not that I have not felt this before but it's just more intense now.

A passing though of having spent 20 years studying and 20 years trying to make it through life has been a constant thought in my head these days. Ganun na pala katagal. Wow!

Kelan kaya matutupad ang long trips we've been planning? 1 week in Palawan, several days in Benguet, 1 week in HK and other places. Kelan ko kaya magagawa na mag gym and get back my old body? Kelan ko kaya gagawin yung mag fulltime business and create more free time?

Ha ma, what do you think? Sagutin mo nga ito for me.

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