Monday, December 7, 2009

On our way to the grocery, Vinz picked up a P500 bill.  Not knowing what to do with it, I told Vinz to just take it and donate it to church. 

Not quite contented with the decision, Vinz wanted to return the money where he found it.  Since there was no way of telling who it belongs to, I just stuck with the earlier decision to just have it donated to the church.

It was a feeling of both being lucky to have found such a thing and proud that my kids wouldn't want to touch the money that does not belong to them.  As a parent this small thing makes you proud and it is a joy to know that you are raising them to be good people.  This is very important for any parent.

Looking back, I may have decided to forward it to the lost and found section of the store.  Or I may have decided some other way.  But in the end, having decided not to use it for personal gain is the best decision I made at that point.

I learned today that Nic reminded Lisette to take it to the church with her for donation.

Kids do remember things and it is important to show them the right way.

I may have to change a lot of my ways to be a good example to them.

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